So, I've decided to post My Favorites Things List ala Oprah Winfrey, except I'm not giving away any free cars or anything. Okay, okay. How about an mp3? (See the end of the post)
Here's my list in no particular order.
My Favorite Things: April 2009
1. Dramabean's recaps of Boys Over Flowers.
It's difficult for me to watch an entire episode of Boys Over Flower without wanting to gouge my ears or eyes out, but I still NEED to know what's happening! I swear. It's like some sick disease.

2. Criminal Minds. Channel CGV. Mon-Fri @ 9 pm ("New" episodes air Mon & Tues)
I never watched this show while I was in the Homeland, but thanks to Cousin VP, I'm now addicted. That show is FRIGHTening, yet highly fascinating. Now I can't help but look at every strange looking ajusshi without profiling him as a potential psycho.

3. The Epik High blogs at MapTheSoul.Com
Epik High is still one of my favorite Korean groups. This month, they're preparing to release a book/album package directly to their fans, without a third party distributor. Bold move, Epik High. You can follow their progress and gawk at their personal photos at the Map The Soul website.
4. Cledor Blueberry Ice Cream
Other than the cheap ice cream cones, I haven't really found Korean ice cream to my liking. But, never one to turn down a sample at eMart, I tried a spoonful of Cledor's blueberry ice cream and was immediately hooked. I really liked the combo of frozen blueberries and the yogurty vanilla ice cream. If you buy a carton a eMart, they'll pack it in an adorable styrofoam cooler, custom-made for the ice cream container. Cledor's strawberry cheesecake ice cream is also pretty yummy.

5. My new Samsung Anycall SCH-W410 mobile phone.

6. 세바귀 (Sebakwi) MBC

7.8eight's Golden Age
I've been enjoying kpop trio, 8eight's latest album, which I downloaded from this awesome livejournal, 영원히.
8eight - Golden Age
8.Last but not least, my favorite song of the moment is "My Love" by The Bird and The Bee.
[Download Link]