Can I just say that I love Korean cafeteria food? I love those little metal trays and the little compartmentalized portions. (I guess this is just further proof that I have the eating habits of a 6th grader.)
This is a student-made poster. It says "골고루 먹자!" Translation: "Let's eat a little bit of everything." The poster purports that if you eat "a little bit of everything" you won't be "bad" aka fat(?). But, if you DO eat a little bit of everything, you will be "smart" (and shorter?).
Lunch was so good: Tomato, kimchi, rice, fish filet, and chicken soup.

I was told that the students must finish everything they take. Otherwise, you have to sit at the table until you clear your plate.

Unfortunately, the day's menu was not very appealing to the mogyangs, Cyndi and Cousin VP. They couldn't partake in any of the yummy fish.

I enjoyed having lunch with the students. Lucy, the girl who sat next to me, was particularly funny.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asks. Then upon my response, she quickly darts around the corner. She returns a few seconds later and says. "You know, my cousin is a yuh-neh-in."
"Your cousin is a celebrity?" we all exclaim. "Who!?! Jang Do Gun?"
Lucy says his name. My cousins and I look at each other blankly. "Who's that?" we ask. We eventually figure out that he's one of the supporting actors in Coffee Prince.
"Does this mean that you're trying to set me up with your cousin?," I ask Lucy.
"He change his phone number, so I no talk to him now," says Lucy.
I guess her answer is "No."
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