23 December 2008

It snowed last night!

Every morning I walk up to this hill to get to The Hagwon. Despite the fact that it's so darn cold that my ears are blushing, I always trudge into the building sweaty and slightly out of breath.

Though the hill makes my morning walk more rigorous, the incline is not the problem. It's the slanted sidewalks. I'm not sure if you can tell from this picture, but the sidewalk slopes to the left, so that when you're walking up the road, it's almost like fighting against two perpendicular hills. This means that while I'm trekking forward, I'm also trying to keep myself from leaning inwards. This is no easy task when the sidewalks are icy, or if you're wearing heels.

Anyone who's had their soles mangled by the streets of Seoul know that the terrain in the Motherland is not very flat. I imagine that it's quite difficult to lay concrete on a mountain, but some of the sidewalks in Seoul are just plain jagged.

Despite my whining, I don't mind walking to work. It's the only exercise I get. I just wish I didn't have to bring two pairs of shoes to work: boots for walking, and heels to look more authoritative...and taller.


Hyakko said...

just sun, and 80 degree temps in hawaii. boring.

Anonymous said...

And Obama

Anonymous said...

Anna, Merry Christmas!! We miss you lots!

InMySeoul said...

You've been in Korea too long....

...wearing high heels everywhere!